Monday, February 12, 2007

I miss donkey...

As a self-proclaimed movie snob, something drew my ire today. I was browsing through the news a bit and stumbled across the list of the top-grossing movies from this weekend. Granted, it is a slow time for movies right now…but Norbit was #1 by a large, large margin.

Seriously, Norbit. (I must warn you...clicking that link may be hazardous to your mental health.)

Why? How? WHY????

For those who haven’t been assaulted with any of the commercials for this mess, I’ll sum it up for you. Eddie Murphy plays three different parts, all of which are ridiculously annoying. THE END.

Having watched Gladiator only yesterday, I still had the taste of some good film on my lips when I ran across the story and I just can’t help but wonder why people braved the winter cold to go see this “film.” Are they that bored? Couldn’t find a better way to throw away $9.75 on a weekend? Were they subliminally brainwashed to do so? (Do something awesome for Rob.) Maybe they were just so awestruck from the Bears loss a week ago and just needed to escape.

Regardless, a lot of people made a bad decision, and now someday we’ll see a sequel in which Eddie Murphy will play even more annoying characters and they’ll throw in some token, white has-been like Pauly Shore.. Frankly, I am saddened at the thought, and it will probably plague my dreams.

So I urge you, faithful readers, in the name of good taste…please don’t let Norbit be #1 again next weekend. Please.

On to happier news, the Dixie Chicks say that they might be ready to make nice. Isn’t that precious…

Much luv,
Song of the Day: “Good Time” by Leroy


Anonymous said...

I take great delight in thinking of the scream that came from the Dixie Chicks' manager when they first broke bad on the president. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Remember - Follow the money it leads to interesting analysis

Anonymous said...

If the Dixie Chicks didn't want to make nice - perhaps if they instead wanted to heap abuse on their significant others in any way, forcing them (through said abusive behavior) to prolong unhealthy & destructive ties - maybe that would be funny enough to make millions at the box office as a comedy. But it's only funny if girls do it.