Friday, February 16, 2007

You know, for kids…

Did you know that today is Kim Jong-il’s birthday? It is. He is now 66 years old, and looks as good as the day he turned 65 and 364/365ths. Happy birthday, buddy! (Please don’t nuke us!)

And just what do you get for one of the most feared men on the planet? A necktie? The latest dvd set of Seinfeld? A thermonuclear device?

I think I’d get him what every red-blooded human being wants…a flamethrower. A wise man (ie: some dude on a website somewhere) once said, “The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, ‘You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.’”

Profound words from someone who’s spent a little too much time playing first person shooters on the computer, if you ask me, but it seems true enough.

Kinda makes you wonder what other inventions came along under odd circumstances. Who was the first person to design a hula-hoop? Did they just pick up a ring of some sort and wonder, “I bet if I wiggle my hips about like so, this thing will stay up off of the ground and provide hours of entertainment.” It was such a simple concept that companies added little touches, such as different materials and noisemakers, to capitalize on it and make marketable.

Now, if only there were some way to combine the simplicity of the hula-hoop with the sheer awesomeness of the flamethrower…


I think I’ll give Hasbro a call.

Much luv,
Song of the Day: “Caribbean Queen” by Billy Ocean (Oh, Billy, after the Pacific and the Arctic, you’re my favorite ocean.)

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