Tuesday, March 13, 2007

You know what they say about all good things...

It is with a daunting sadness that I begin to write for, you see, today marks the end of ten-day era. Today is the last day of my mini-retirement. Tomorrow it is back to the grind for me. My Valium-induced vacation has come to an end and it is time to once again work.

You can begin to feel sorry for me now. (Thanks…you’re the best.)

It’s been fun, and I’ve learned the following few truths about being home-ridden:
1) Daytime television is awful. There are no two ways about it. It is very possible the “The View” will bring forth the end of the world.
2) You can kiss your sleep schedule goodbye as you stay up later and later and periodically nap throughout the day.
3) As a final laugh from Murphy and his uncaring laws, the weather will become beautiful as soon as you return to work.

I suppose the important thing is that I was given a chance to recover and my workplace was very cooperative. So I feel very grateful the job that I have.

So take a minute today and be thankful for some of the little things that work in your favor. It makes the bigger things a little easier to handle.

Much luv,
Song of the Day: “Have It All” by Jeremy Kay

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