Monday, March 19, 2007

I bet Fred Taylor and I could be best buddies...

So Sunday came and went, and I started thinking to myself, “I’m feeling pretty good. I think I may play basketball tonight. I had even found my old basketball shoes that I thought I had lost. All signs are pointing to a successful return to the courts at Calvary.”

Remember that back injury I had? Yeah, turns out it wasn’t quite done healing yet. Less than five minutes in to the first game, I find myself feeling an all-to-familiar “ping” in the muscles of my back. Unlike like the commercials for Southwest Airlines where people get super-excited over the “ping,” I knew right away that this “ping” was not of the good variety.

Like an idiot, I finished playing in that first game, but just gave a half-hearted effort throughout it. Since I’m normally only playing at about 75% as it is, it makes it more like a 37.5% hearted effort. I made my way to the sidelines and began to fume about my own idiocy.

It was at that point that I had a very interesting discussion about whether or not Godzilla could defeat Superman. (I’ll not spoil you with the outcome, but let’s just say it didn’t go so well for the man in tights.)

Anyway, I got to realizing, WHY AM I SO DUMB???!!! This was much, much too soon to try and return to playing ball after a debilitating back injury, and I was a fool to even attempt it.

As a result, I’ve spent much of today receiving shameful stares and disapproving shakes of the head from people who aren’t mad…just disappointed.

So today, I offer you these words of encouragement:


Granted, for some…oh, who am I kidding…most, if not all, of you already knew that. Still, it’s good to hear it out loud. So maybe you can get somebody nearby to read it to you out loud. You could take turns. Sounds like a fun game.

You’re welcome.

Much luv,
Song of the Day: “Put Your Lights On” by Everlast with Santana

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah i am smarter than Rob!!!

Just kidding man, you should be resting not stressing out your back man. I know don't beat a dead horse. Anyways, I hope you feel better. Set up your next D&D session. That is a lot less stressful. Talk to you later, zank