Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Well, I guess he was ok in True Lies...

Confusion: (n.) disorder; tumult; upheaval; chaos.

Life has been finding me a little confused lately. I feel like I am juggling too many things at once and am rather frenetic. For some reason, as I started to think about the word “confusion,” I decided to look up everyone’s favorite Chinese philosopher, Confucius. (Hey, they sound similar, so sue me.)

I was led to a quote from him that seems incredibly poignant at this moment. Take a gander at this little doozie:

“Life is really simple, but men insist on making it complicated.”

It’s got me thinking, in another very hippy-sounding moment…SIMPLIFY, MAN!!!

Seriously, though, when you’ve got a bit of obsessive compulsiveness in you, as I’m pretty sure that I do, (the fact that I have dictionary.com as a “favorite” in my internet explorer is a solid indicator) perhaps one just needs to remove some of the life obstacles that aren’t really necessary.

We worry so much about many things that don’t really matter, and it only adds to our stress and confusion.

For instance, as I sit here and watch the Conan O’Brien show before going to bed, Tom Arnold is coming out as the next guest. Seems like a natural place to start some “life-obstacle removal.”

Tom Arnold…[shudder!]

Much luv,
Song of the Day: “Chantilly Lace” by The Big Bopper

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