Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I hear that kilts are mighty comfortable...

"Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!"

So Paris Hilton has been freed from jail. I figure she can relate to ol' William Wallace now.


Yeah, you're right.

I'm a little confused why this is such a big deal. Rumor has it that some networks were ready to pay her $1 million to get the first post-jail interview. When sanity returned, however, they dropped the offers and tomorrow night she will speak to Larry King for free. How very fortunate for Larry.

As for me, I'm through thinking upon the spoiled heiress. No more will I talk, rant, or write anything about her, unless it has to do with the fact that her recording of "Stars Are Blind" was actually halfway decent. I'd encourage you to do the same.

Then, from her nonsense, we'll all have our own "freedom."

Much luv,
Song of the Day: "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's


Anonymous said...

You know, Rob, Chris (our attorney friend) said it best when he rhetorically wondered what, precisely, Paris Hilton is famous for. His answer “She is famous for being famous.” Honestly, the only reason ‘Netter and I saw the movie House Of Wax is to see the witless woman impaled through the cranium (honestly, worth the price of admission – considering we saw it on cable so it was already paid for anyway). While, apparently, many people find her attractive, I have yet to identify one person I know personally. I guess you have to be into that heroine-chic, always stoned look (“That’s hot!” – I guess to some people).

Then there’s this Simple Life BS. We watched all of one episode and needed to see no more. You have to be simple, first, to watch reality TV at all, and second, not to realize that the very point of the show is to call the audience “simple.” The supposed point of the show is two heiresses being humbled by attempting to live like average folk. But that’s all a sham. Anyone with half a brain quickly realizes that the REAL message is these two spoiled witches (I’m being too kind) are MOCKING the average folk!!!! Every one of their stupid antics screams, “When this show finishes filming, I’m going back to my mansion and millions and this is all a goof!”

She is a waste of skin, a waste of money, a waste of time and, with this response of mine, a waste of bandwidth. However, as I suspect you did, the very notion of her gets my ire up and I need to vent. ‘Nuff said. Thank you for letting me rant.


Anonymous said...

dont take this the wrong way, Rob...but I think i look forward more to reading batroy's responses. you both crack me so consistantly.........up.


Rob said...

re: F3

Now what'll really bake your noodle is when you realize that Batroy and I are the same person. Just a whole 'nother level to my schizophrenia...

And so am I.

Anonymous said...

[Twilight Zone Music] This is so freaky. I’m sitting here at work and I read this and I start thinking “Gee, maybe it’s true. Maybe I’m just another personality of somebody else. It would certainly explain why I haven’t gotten much work done. I was Rob(bed), I tell ya!

Seriously, I’m not really funny on my own. Rob is the catalyst. He’s like the Jerry Lewis to my Dean Martin. No, that’s not right. Both of us are too nutty to be Deano. He’s the Gene Wilder to my Richard Pryor. Of course, I’m not black and Rob’s hair isn’t that curly.

I got it!! Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels. You figure out which is which.


Anonymous said...

Re: F3

BTW, thanks for the kind words, F3. It’s been a long time since I’ve been consistently up (getting old sucks – and it doesn’t even feel good).


Anonymous said...

well i was going more for the fat tony line and less for the The Todd line... but whatever works for you.


Anonymous said...

The Simpsons AND Scrubs. Nice!


Anonymous said...

By the way, something actually on topic, given what is said to not be worn under a kilt, as I understand it, Paris Hilton is known to dress accordingly. Perhaps the only reason she is of any interest to anybody.

"You know who by now"