Simple. Over the weekend I was thinking about simplicity a bit. I think that when it comes down to it, I am a pretty simple man. I have simple pleasures, simple tastes, and many people would argue that I am rather simple-minded.
I'd like to think that's not necessarily a bad thing. It is because of this simplicity that I find the following clip so absolutely hilarious. It comes from some Japanese game show, and the more I watch it the funnier it becomes. Take a look:
And as if that wasn't funny enough, take a look at what someone with a little creative editing skills was able to accomplish:
I figure that I must be simple to enjoy that so much. And if you find it as hilarious as I do, you just might be simple, too. (With a minimal amount of searching, you can find all sorts of variations of that clip...try searching for dramatic squirrel and you'll see.)
Anyway, I suppose I'm just enjoying the simple things today, like the fact that the sun is shining and the temperature is nearly perfect. Perhaps you can take a little joy in something simple today as well.
Or at least get a chuckle from that shifty eyed varmint.
Much luv,
Song of the Day: "Simple Lessons" by Candlebox
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okay, i was about to mention that perhaps some marbles have become loose up there in your noggin as watching that clip i was left feeling fairly empty and wondering why something like that gets its 5 seconds of fame considering how stupid it was. Just to make sure I was right I played it again. and a couple more times. must... not... laugh.... okay, you were right. this is funnier each time.
I’m sorry to let you down, F3, but I just don’t know what to say to that. Except maybe, “Holy CRAP that’s one frakin’ scary lookin’ rodent!! If I saw that in my back yard, I’d beat the puss out of it with a shovel!!! It’s like that link people pass around where it gets you to pay attention really close by reading the words of a song or playing a game or something and then Linda Blair in full Exorcist makeup pops on your screen with a loud screaming sound causing you jump back, messing yourself, and screaming “AH!” embarrassing yourself in front of all your co-workers and getting talked to by your boss about doing personal stuff on the computer during work hours.
Okay, I’m composed now. Yes. Very funny. Now, if you all will excuse me, I must visit the W.C. Thanks, Rob.
“That guy”
re: F3
It's even funnier now, isn't it?
re: "That guy"
Yes, those videos freak me out as well. There was a game one where you had to move the mouse through a maze and when you got to the third or fourth level it would freak out at you. I actually screamed the first time I saw that one...
And yes, I scare easily. And have nightmares. So I hate those.
Hey, sorry to bring up traumatic memories, F3. You just take it easy, put down those garden shears, and everything will be just fine.
re: "Batman"
Actually, dude, that was my comment above. If you want to traumatize F3 just give him some Spanish to translate. (hee hee!)
Oh, you mean like this:
En una carretera oscura del desierto, aire fresco en mi pelo
Olor caliente de colitas, levantándose para arriba a través del aire
Encima a continuación adentro de la distancia, vi una luz shimmering
Mi cabeza creció pesada y mi vista creció dévil
Tuve que parar para la noche
Allí ella estaba parada en el umbral;
Oí la campana de la misión
Y pensaba a me,
' éste podría ser cielo o éste podría estar infierno '
Entonces ella encendida para arriba una vela y ella me demostraron la manera
Había voces abajo del pasillo,
Pensé que las oí decir...
Recepción al hotel California
Un lugar tan encantador
Una cara tan encantadora
Un montón de sitio en el hotel California
En caulquier momento del año, usted puede encontrarla aquí
Tiffany-se tuerce su mente, ella consiguió el ** del BENZ del ** de Mercedes
Ella consiguió muchos de los muchachos bonitos, bonitos, a que ella llama los amigos
Cómo bailan en el patio, sudor dulce del verano.
Una cierta danza a recordar, una cierta danza a olvidarse
Llamé tan encima del capitán,
' por favor tráigame mi vino '
Él dijo, ' no hemos tenido ese alcohol aquí desde mil novecientos sesenta y nueve '
Y todavía esas voces están llamando de lejos lejos,
Despiértele para arriba en el centro de la noche
Apenas para oírlos decir...
Recepción al hotel California
Un lugar tan encantador
Una cara tan encantadora
Ellos livin ' él para arriba en el hotel California
Una qué sorpresa agradable, trae sus coartadas
Espejos en el techo,
El champán rosado en el hielo
Y ella dijo que ' somos todos presos justos aquí, de nuestro propio dispositivo '
Y en los compartimientos del amo,
Recolectaron para el banquete
Lo apuñalan con sus steely cuchillos,
Pero apenas no pueden matar a la bestia
La cosa pasada que recuerdo, yo era
Funcionamiento para la puerta
Tuve que encontrar el paso detrás
Al lugar estaba antes
' relaje, ' dijo a hombre de la noche,
Nos programan recibir.
Usted puede comprobación cualquier momento usted tiene gusto,
¡pero usted puede nunca irse! yeah, got the hotel california part.
el pollo loco es muy muerto?
oh, and facebook's gift option right now is in fact the dramatic chipmunk. wow.
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