Monday, April 30, 2007

It's like this and like that and like this and uh...

“Where’s the sunshine, Rob?”

I was asked this question a couple of times over the past few weeks in which I felt the need to take a break from this thing. A little time off was needed to recharge my batteries and give this another go. So here we are…whether you like it or not.

Something really strange is happening right now as I type. I’m listening to an interview with sweet old lady on the radio. Her name is Beverly Broadus Green. The interesting thing about this lady (or at least one interesting thing, I’m sure she’s fabulous) is that she is the mother of Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr., better known to the world as Snoop Dogg. (Yes, the one and only D O double G.)

It’s just odd to think that Snoop comes from somewhere…and that they still care about him and his ghetto-licious ways.

Less odd than that, however, is that our beloved Bulls swept the reigning champions of the NBA, the Miami Crybabies…er, I mean Heat. Yesterday’s game was exciting to watch as it stayed pretty tight up until the very end when the Heat fell apart faster than a game of Jenga being played by three year olds. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a collapse. After the way the Heat played those last three minutes, they should seriously consider changing their name to the Miami Tepid. As a professed “Dwayne Wade Hater,” this was just too sweet.

I find my enthusiasm building rapidly for the “Baby Bulls.” In fact, we can probably toss the “baby” part of that little moniker. As Vince Vaughn would have said in Swingers, "They’s all growns up!" This team is looking better and more focused with every game and I’m really psyched for this upcoming series with Detroit, although I’m a little disappointed that we’re not meeting them in the conference championship due to the bizarre new seeding system the NBA has decided to implement. Still, the Bulls look to have one of the toughest roads to the title, so there will be no doubt when they win. That ought to have us all feeling bright and shiny.

So there…there’s your sunshine. Bask in it. Bask in it like a snake on some hot pavement. (Ok, so my analogies are a little rusty…give it some time.)

Much luv,
Song of the Day: “Right Now” by Van Halen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, i'm basking. mmm... warm glowing warming glow....
