Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yeeeeaaaaah, boyeeeee...

Ha. Hehehe...

I'm such a dork.

If you could only see me now...

So, it's been documented that I love lists. Can't resist them. Tonight, I sit here and I watch as VH1 counts down the greatest hip-hop songs of all time.

Just sittin' here...bobbin' my head as LL Cool J, Eminem, Sir Mix-A-Lot, Salt-N-Pepa, and Jay Z fill the room with phat beats and cool jams.

It all reminds me of one thing:

I am so white.

Still, as a rhythm enthusiast, hip-hop has a special place in my heart. Right next to progressive rock and miles above country music.

I mean...MILES above country music.

I think that's what I'd like to discuss tonight. What's the appeal of country music? Is it the twangy voice? The way everyone's personal life crumbles to pieces in just about every song? There's an old joke that goes a little something like this:

Q: What happens when you play a country song backwards?
A: You get back with your wife, your dog comes home, your pickup trucks starts running again, and you get out of prison.

What other music is so associated with rodeos, too? I mean, hey...let's jump on a wild animal and see how long until it throws us to the ground and tries to trample us! And square dancing??? Don't even get me started on square dancing. music. Makes me want to wretch.

Which, coincidentally, looks the same as me trying to get my groove on to some hip-hop.

Much luv,
Song of the Day: "Rapper's Delight" by Sugarhill Gang

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