Tuesday, August 5, 2008

At first I was afraid, I was petrified...

I survived!

No death-avenging required, folks, but I know that you were ready should the need have arisen. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back. You deserve it.

Go ahead. Do it. I'll wait...

See? Don't you feel better now? How's the self-morale? Elevated, no?

I thought so...

What a weekend! It all started with a circus attempt to rent a convertible from the good people at Avis rental. There was a slight problem with our coupon, so it was going to end up costing more than the Primrose boys had thought, so we walked. (Not to West Virginia, mind you, but out of the Avis rental office.) Ready and willing to bail us out in our attempt were the Bruchmans. Big thanks to them for letting us use their Sebring. There's nothing quite like the wind in your face as you cruise down the highway at ridiculous hours of the night while rocking out to music from just about every genre imaginable. Good times.

Rolling in at 4:30 a.m. was just the beginning...

Saturday brought a day at the beach (complete with giant iceberg and trampoline!), some cricket, and (of course) delicious s'mores around a campfire. More good times.

Cricket was a new experience. It's a great game that can be played (seemingly) by any number of people. It'll be even better to play it someday on a flat surface that is less rock-riddled. I'm sure that there's got to be a better way for setting up the "wicket" (I believe that's what it's called) each time after the top pieces get knocked to and fro, though. Something akin to the pinsetters in bowling, perhaps...

Still, I feel like I learned something new, and despite what has previously been said about the dangers of learning something new, this was great! A classy game for the ages and one that I will certainly play again!

Sunday was the big day, though, whitewater rafting was on the schedule and nervous tension was on my heart. Not having ever done it before, I wasn't really sure into what I was getting. I believe my exact words, as I headed toward my boat and the on-site cameraman put his camera in my face, asking, "What's your name?" were, "You can call me nervous."

I was. (Although my calm, cool, unflinching demeanor wouldn't show it...and if you believe that I've got some land to sell you.) After signing, what seemed to be, a 1,300 page waiver you can't help but feel a little uneasy.

So we hopped into our raft, drifted out to the calm waters and began to practice following our guides directions. It all seemed easy enough. Then we were off...

Now, my mind is racing with analogies that might shine a light upon that which is whitewater rafting. I was going to compare it to football because it's on my mind. I thought that maybe I'd compare it to a movie because, well, my mind just tends to work that way. Perhaps I'd compare it to gas prices, because that talk is all the rage lately...

I think, though, that I'd like to relate it to a great spanish song of my liking. It's called Malaguena Salerosa. (Just ignore the video, listen to the music. Or watch the video for all of its cheesy glory, I don't care.) I don't have a clue as to the meaning of this tune, but it has a special place in my heart because it is...well...awesome. The song starts off pretty briskly, maintains for a while, has a guitar explosion around the 3:27 mark, and then calms back down. I feel like that song captures how I felt throughout the trip down the river rather well. (The Class V "Double Z" section of the river coinciding with the guitar eruption at 3:27.)

Yeah, I'm a strange person. I know this. You know this. Let's just move on.

Seriously, though, the rafting was a lot of fun, and I encourage any of you "I haven't ever gone whitewater rafting before" types to get out there and try it. If you're lucky, you'll end up in a raft full of awesome people (I was lucky!) who will make the experience even better...be it somehow managing to keep yourself in the boat "Chuck-Norris-Style" or grabbing onto the water cooler for dear life while screaming, it's a joy for your fellow rafters either way. Morale in our boat couldn't have been higher due, largely, to the frequent "paddle high-fives."

If you find that it is not to your liking, I'll...well, I won't do anything for you. Still, though, I'm fairly certain you'll enjoy it. You're reading this on the internet...the internet wouldn't lie to you, would it?

All in all, an awesome weekend. Great trip up...fun time there...awesome trip back...and I even learned a valuable lesson while there:

"Words mean things."

Think about it. Simple. Elegant. To the point.


Anyway, that's my story from this weekend. I could go on and on and on and on and on...but I won't.

Not now, anyway.

In the meantime, you should learn the "Pirate Dance." (Draw the sword, drink the rum, walk the plank, kick the shark. Repeat.)

Much luv,
Song of the Day: "Hey Jude" by The Beatles (nothing beats belting this one out at the top of your lungs with your boys while cruising down highway 65 with the top down...obeying all posted speed limits, of course.) (Although the techno remix of "Listen to Your Heart" comes pretty close.) (There's a lot of info in this "Song of the Day" part today, no?) (I like parentheses.)


Anonymous said...

Wow i didn't know u had a blog
but u dont have myspace???
well it was a good retelling
A+ good Sir

♥June Bug

Catherine said...

Rob-- I enjoy reading your thoughts. You are quite insightful. :o)

Catherine said...

Oh, also-- please don't tell my friend Seth (if/when you meet him) that I read your blog. He always asks me to read his posts, but I'm really bad about getting around to it. ;o) So, blog reading will be our secret. K? :o)