Friday, May 30, 2008

And knowing is half the battle...

I had a conversation the other day about languages. After answering my phone in Korean, the caller started asking me about language. I said that I'm a pretty big fan a languages (English, especially, it is American, after all).

Way back in sixth grade, I took a summer school course on Russian. Couple that with two years of German in high school, and I realize that I've taken classes in three different languages, worked landscaping for seven years (picked up a little Spanish there), and learned some choice phrases in Korean from my sister-in-law. That's a lot of words. I love words. Although they can be dangerous...

I've been reading this hilarious book lately. Inspired by The Colbert Report (silent "t's"), I recently made a stop at the library and picked up Stephen Colbert's book, "I Am America (And So Can You!)"

It's quite funny, and today I just wanted to share one little passage about education and the emotional pain that it causes:

Let me ask you this: why were you happier when you were a kid?

Because you didn't KNOW anything.

The more you know, the sadder you get.

Don't believe me? By the time you finish reading this chapter, over a hundered dogs and cats in animal shelters around the nation will have been euthanized.

Bet you wish you could erase that knowledge. But it's too late. You learned a NEW IDEA, and it made you sad.

So you careful what you learn.

Much luv,
Song of the Day: "The Boxer" by Simon & Garfunkel


Anonymous said...

Man, that's pretty depressing. I was always taught that knowledge is power. And that is what all kids wanted when they were growing up was to be powerful.

Anonymous said...

I like French. Not the language, but kissing.

Anonymous said...

what's the other half of the battle? Knowing Chuck Norris' phone number?
