First of all, who are "they," anyway? Are "they" the Men in Black? Tommy Lee or Will? Are "they" a coalition of worldwide fashion designers like in Zoolander? Or are "they" some conglomerate from some other group of movies?
Most likely, "they" are none of the above. (Although I'm watching you, Tommy Lee Jones...I know you're up to something.)
Regardless of who "they" are, it is my belief that they have seriously underestimated the word value of a picture. Behold!

Amazing, no? I found that picture over here.
I'd say that picture's worth about one hundred billion, zillion, gafillion, words.
Even made up ones.
To sum it up in just one word, though:
Happy monday!
Much luv,
Song of the Day: "The Silent Man" by Dream Theater
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