Monday, June 9, 2008

Settle down there, buddy...

So I've had something on my mind a bit lately. A little over a week ago, I went to a baseball game. It was a local Schaumburg Flyers game. On the very first play of the game, a routine fly ball turned into an inside-the-park home run when the fielder turned his ankle trying to make the player. Later in the game, the Flyers tried to steal home plate.

Neither worked out too well for the home team, and neither had I ever seen in a ballgame before. How very exciting for me...(not so much for the Flyers.)

But that's not really what's been on my mind. I've been thinking about personal responsibility.

I can almost hear you now..."WHAT?"

Yeah, something pretty heavy.

Here's the rub (never realized that's Shakespere before):

There was a guy sitting in front of me who was behaving inappropriately for much of the game. He was sending out "creepy old dude" vibes that were off the charts. I think you know what I mean.

The thing is, he was otherwise very friendly. His leering and lewd remarks towards the young ladies in the stands, dancing on the field, and anywhere else he could see, however, was less so.

So where do you draw the line? I was conflicted between saying something to the guy and just minding my own business. I'd love to say that he wasn't hurting anyone, except that his young son seemed to look up to him and I worry about what type of values he's learning from the "role model."

Still is it any of my business? Do I have any right to get involved?

In the end, I did nothing, and it's bugged me a bit ever since. As a fellow blogger once put it:

"At what age does a person become immature? Who decides this? I really would like to know the difference between having a good time and making an ass out of yourself."

Was this guy just having a good time? In his mind, yes. To me? It was more the latter. But who is to decide?

I don't know where I'm going with this. Perhaps it's just that I'm getting older and noticing how behavior effects more than just the one acting out.

I guess the message is...


In lighter, happier news...the Lakers are down 2-0. GO CELTICS!!!

Much luv,
Song of the Day: "Lakini's Juice" by Live


Adriann said...

I would agree that guy was totally making an ass out of himself. I don't think you should have said anything because he is an adult and should be setting an example. I'm so pleased that you got something out of that random blog. At the time Mike asked what I was talking about and I really couldn't explain but this is a perfect example about my thought process. Another thing I'm wondering is, when does one become a stick in the mud??? Anyway on a different note, how the heck are ya Rob? Sorry I'm a laggard in my blogging I have one million excuses, want to hear keep it going on yours. Good stuff man.

Adriann said...

I guess I should expand....If going to the library to check out movies and CDs makes one a stick in the mud, consider me a log.

Rob said...

re: adriann

Sure thing, log. For the record...I too, have been log-like and checked out the occasional movie or cd from the library. Although most recently I checked out Stephen Colbert's book, which was quite funny.

As to "how am I"...I pretty much rock.

When I'm not a log, that is.