Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Actually, it's a titanium-gold alloy...

Mmm...how 'bout that Memorial Day Weekend? I love me some mondays off, but it always makes tuesdays feel like mondays, and (therefore) wednesdays become tuesdays, etc.

Personally, I think that the only fair way to bring balance to the calendar would be to get the whole week off instead of just the one day, ya know?

Over the weekend, I made my way to the local cineplex and caught two more movies. On saturday afternoon, I went to see the latest installment of the Indiana Jones saga. It was not so great. I could probably rant and rave about what I disliked about the movie, but I think that the battery on my laptop would go dead before I finished, since it only has two hours of life left in it. Let's just say that I prefer fewer gophers, fighting monkeys, aliens, and nuke-proof refrigerators in my pulp-style movies.

Seriously, it's been 19 years since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was released. 19 years...and this is the story that prompted the Lucas/Spielberg dynamic duo to make another story with our favorite whip-wielding hero. I think the movie featured a little too much Lucas and not enough Spielberg. The plot wandered more than a wide-eyed kid at a Toys 'R Us.

I mean...monkeys? Really? How do you make monkeys uncool? MONKEYS!!! That's on par with making lame pirates, ninjas, or pirate-ninjas.

So yeah, I didn't care for it too much. When I got to the theater and had to decide between Indy and Iron Man, I flipped a quarter to make the choice. It came up tails/Indy. Bad quarter, bad!!! I left the quarter on the counter at the theater to be rid of its curse when I purchased my ticket for Iron Man immediately after seeing Indy. I needed to see something good to cleanse the taste of Indy from my palette.

I feel a little bad for whomever picked up that cursed quarter...they probably thought it was their lucky day. Too bad it was UNluck.

Iron Man, on the other hand, was awesome. I won't say more than to just go see it. You'll find yourself smiling the whole time. Who knew that a glorified fire extinguisher could have such a hilarious personality? Go see it.

So on my Spartan Scale, I'll give Iron Man 24 Spartans. Indy? 244 Spartans. (Yes, it was more than ten times worse than Iron Man.)

Did I mention to go see Iron Man?

Much luv,
Song of the Day: "Jessica" by The Allman Brothers Band


Anonymous said...

24 x 10 = 240

Rob said...

Re: Math

Yes, this is true. (I don't understand your comment.)

Anonymous said...

I think they intended to out your bad math skills, but they failed to read the part where you said 244 was MORE than 10 times 24. which it is. thank you 2nd grade.
