Friday, September 5, 2008

Life between eight and ten... 'bout that weather, eh? Normally, I don't comment on the weather much, but I've got a point to it, today, so hang in there.

It's been raining for about two straight days, and everything is soaked, including my new Chicago Bears window flag that flies proudly from my rear passenger-side window. (That window doesn't work quite right anyway, so why not support The Beloved from it?)

The sky has been gray, cloudy, and dreary lately due to all of the rain. According to what I could find on the internet (which must be right because ANYONE can write on it, right?), rain clouds are known as Nimbus (Greek meaning "yucky or rainy") and can be either Cumulus ("poofy") or Stratus ("like a pancake"). Ok, so I may have stretched things a bit there, but that's the basic idea.

Turns out that there are ratings for clouds, too. Some big fluffy clouds can reach as high as 30,000-40,000 feet and have the look of big, beautiful white mountains in the sky. These clouds are some of the brightest and most breathtaking. These fall into the classification known as "Level Nine," hence the expression "on cloud nine."

You see...that's where I feel I've been nine. The last month has seen more things go my way than I truly deserve, culminating with meeting a wonderful, wonderful woman.

Yes, readers, if you didn't already know, I've managed to find myself in a (gasp!) relationship...

And it's been great. We're struggling a bit with the 200 miles that separate us, but we're getting by. We have so much in common, most importantly our love for Jesus Christ. So far, the only thing we've managed to argue about is who will be the first to find something to disagree upon. (Vegas has me as the heavy favorite, though.)

Anyway, life's been unfairly good to me, but I'm not complaining. Not complaining at all.

Although I wish it would dry up outside...

Much luv,
Song of the Day: "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd


Unknown said...

That a'boy Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to represent Primrose.

June Bug said...

I knew it!!! is it Catherine?

Rob said...

Re: Junebug

Yesiree!!! (I'm going to try to respect her privacy and not gush about her on the blog.)