Friday, April 6, 2007

Fahrenheit 41...

Day #3 of Hate Week...I hate broken furnaces. We learned last night that the furnace at Primrose was broken. When I awoke in the morning, the thermostat read 41 degrees. Yikes. Fortunately, thanks a little known hero (like Hiro from Heroes or Dwight Schruut from The Office, great episode last night...) named Dave the heat has returned to Primrose and we're almost back up to 60 degrees at this point.

And there was much rejoicing. (Yay!)

In the news of the bizarre, here's a little tidbit from this blog's favorite lunatic, Michael Jackson:

Apparently, Michael (Miss Jackson if you're nasty) would like a giant, 50-foot tall robot replica of himself to be built in the Las Vegas desert to roam about and welcome incoming planes. He's even interested in making the robot capable of shooting laser beams out of its eyes.


I'll just let that sink in for a second...

Just when you think he can't get any crazier, here's this idea. Seriously, doesn't this sound like the beginning of a bad sci-fi movie? Eventually the robot gets hit by lightning and goes on a crazy killing spree. Eventually Godzilla shows up and kills the robotic Jackson before returning to rest in the sea.


So it's Good Friday today. Go ahead and get your church on this weekend.

Much luv,
Song of the Day: "I Will Call" by Among Thorns

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